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DNA Activations Cord Removals House Clearings Services King Salomon Redondo Beach






Offered as an individual session,

or individuals within a group 



Introductory Price



for all 10 modalities


(You must commit to all 10 sessions with no more than 2 weeks between sessions.)













King Salomon studied in Tibet for over 20 years. He combined many Eastern rituals with Hebraic teachings to
form his powerful healing modality. These rituals have been passed down through mystery schools via oral
tradition from one ritual master to another to another. The ritual masters trace back in a direct lineage to
King Salomon. Originally, the rituals were used to empower only high priests and priestesses. They were not
open to the public.


  1. Initial Session - DNA Activation and Energy Balancing
  2. Unified Chakra Awakening - uses the gentle, tactile awakening of 102 of points, and literally awakens
    all 2418 centers.
  3. Tree of Life Healing - The ten different spheres in the Tree of Life, representing ten different aspects
    of G-d (like wisdom, understanding, mercy, severity, beauty ... ) are illuminated, balanced, and healed,
    using a Tibetan bell.
  4. Seal of Salomon Healing - The various vibrations and frequencies of 12 different colored stones,
    along with accompanying, varied imagery, are emblazoned into the client with the extremely potent energy
    of the Seal of Salomon.
  5. Tone Healing - some of the 72 sacred names of G-d are toned into the very core of the client's being.
  6. Aura Healing - Black spots in the aura are healed.
  7. Exorcism Healing - entities not of the light, are sent back to the light.
  8. Etheric Body Healing - seven different bodies are healed, ranging from infant ... to teen-age ...
    to etheric body.
  9. Mental Body Healing - thirteen different aromas are utilized to remove negative associations in corresponding brain regions.
  10. Ending Session - Review and completion of all modalities, complete with an Emotional Cord Cutting.


Upon experiencing this ancient, sacred, holy, embracing, loving energy, I went "home."


If you put together enough people in your area,
I TRAVEL!!!!!!!

I do individualized King Salomon Healing Modalities for a group,
scheduled one by one throughout the day.

For more information please contact us

