Your DNA contains the blueprint for who you are as a Divine being. It is God-given, holy, sacred and defines the uniqueness of you. It contains the encoded information regarding your physical and spiritual lineage. The 22-strand activation will give you access to the secrets and mysteries of who you are and what your purpose is, yielding answers to the questions: Why am I here? What are my gifts and talents? Where did I come from? Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing in my life? And more... Some of the benefits according to Archangel Metatron:
Initially the 22-strand activation was used to activate high priests and priestesses, prophets and oracles as a rite of passage in the ancient mystery school traditions. Activation of the DNA to the 22nd strand has been handed down from the time of King Solomon and is now being offered from the realms of spirit to bring humanity into full empowerment. As the New Millennium dawns, you are moving out of the mere human experience into a different state of being. Your body has a consciousness of its own and it needs your cooperation as it moves through the many changes that lie ahead for it. Until now, all this information has been inaccessible to all except initiates to mystery schools, certain spiritual , masters and holy persons dedicated to serving the Light. The activation is not a healing, per se, but is an empowerment that can aid you in your own healing process. Any change in your genetic structure will affect your ancestors 3 to 5 generations in the past, as well as 3 to 5 generations into the future. DNA activation allows clearing of genetic patterning for many diseases and addictions.
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