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Healing Empowerments and Services


As an Initiated Guide, Ritual Master, and Healer through the Rocky Mountain Mystery School, I offer the following healing empowerments and services:


22 Strand DNA Activation (Click here For more information)

Your DNA contains the blueprint for who you are as a Divine being. It is God-given, holy, sacred and defines the uniqueness of you. It contains the encoded information regarding your physical and spiritual lineage. The 22-Strand activation will give you access to the secrets and mysteries of who you are and what your purpose is, yielding answers to the questions: Why am I here? What are my gifts and talents? Where did I come from? Am I doing what  I’m supposed to be doing in my life? And more...

Some of the benefits according to Archangel Metatron:

¨     Enables you to bring in and hold more light in your physical body

¨     Empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrealized talents and abilities

¨     Gives you more energy and clarity

¨     Strengthens your immune system

¨     Assists in releasing unconscious patterns

¨     Increases your ability to use more of your brain

¨     Creates the greatest potential for full connection and integration with your Higher Self

¨     Facilitates clearing of family and genetic karmic patterns


Unified Chakra Awakening

In the new energies, our current Chakra system has expanded to 2,418 points. Via the gentle, tactile awakening of 102 of these points, the Unified Chakra Awakening literally awakens all 2,418 centers. Many clients have reported a state of "serene fullness and peacefulness" following the Awakening. You can expect: 

¨     Increases the amount of light in your body

¨     Increases your spiritual awareness

¨     Addresses apathy and low energy

¨     Awakens your soul and nervous system


Starseed Healing – Harmonic Frequency Modification

There are many positive vibrations surrounding the human body that are lost on a daily basis. The Starseed Healing reorganizes these energies correcting the body’s vibrational state. This unique Galactic healing utilizes crystals, chimes, and a tuning fork to cleanse and harmonize the body’s energetic system. This is especially helpful if people have been doing a lot of emotional release work. Some of the benefits experienced are: 

¨     Clears your mind clutter

¨     Clears stress and emotions

¨     Balances your chakras and auric layers of energy

¨     Connects you Galactically to all living things


Karmic Matrix Cord Removal (Click here For more information)

Everyone has family and ancestral karma brought to you through your physical lineage. Genetic cording contributing to your behavior patterns is wrapped around the spine, the core of your physical structure. This matrix is a construct of your family ancestry. When this karmic matrix is removed, you can release old habits easier and be free from genetic influences and limitations.

King Salomon Healing Modality (Click here For more information)

This is a series of 10 individual sessions to create harmony in all aspects of your being, and works to balance your body, aura, mind, soul, and spirit. Each session lasts 1 ˝ - 2 hours with no more than 1 session per week. The client must commit to doing all 9 sessions in order for the work to begin.

Emotional Cord Cutting (Click here For more information)

Sever the cords draining your energy! This is also an ancient modality that goes back to the time of King Salomon. The emotional cords form energetic links between you and other people. Although some cords with children and spouses are appropriate, most of the cords we have are unhealthy. Sexual intercourse, even a deep kiss, results in being corded for seven years. If the person you are corded with is at a lower vibrational level, you will give your energy even when you are receiving, because energy flows like water, from higher to lower. Once the cords are cut, the client has the choice to reestablish the cord in a healthier, more appropriate manner, on a new level, with new energy, and a new focus, or can choose to completely sever the ties. A Cord Cutting will also cut the flow of energy to those people with whom you have negative emotional attachments. This modality is extremely powerful and freeing.

Sanctification of Dwelling Space (Click here For more information)

This service calls upon the Powers of Heaven and the Universe to redirect the energies of any environment, work or home to create a most sacred and abundant living space. The sanctification is performed using prayers, divine geometry, crystals, and ceremony to clear the area of any unwanted energetic debris from prior residents or any other external force that would create disruptive energetic patterns. This sacred space then provides an optimal living situation for those residing within and surrounding the designated area.

When you clear your home (or office) you are clearing your life! Provide yourself and your environment with the most positive energy for your life and your work. This service will:

¨     Clear unwanted/negative energies from your living/working space

¨     Cleanse the energy

¨     Affirm/reaffirm the intent and purpose for the area

¨     Bless the space and persons occupying the space 

Your surroundings will now be energetically aligned to serve you at the optimal level. Once the space is cleared and aligned, special ceremonies can be performed which will anchor a temple into a specially designated area. This will provide you with a very sacred and holy personal place to meditate and worship.

For more information please contact us

