The TEACHER Initiation The Teachers Program is the next step on the Initiatory Path after the Adept Program and that initial initiation. There are only three initiations, Adept, Teacher and Guide. All of these initiations are within the Hierarchy of Light and one is indeed initiated to work for the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light and not an earthly organization. As such you become an expert of the Hierarchy and it is indeed the Hierarchy that trains you further. You will gain more and more contact with the Hierarchy and the beings of the Hierarchy such as Lord Michael, Archangel Raphael and even with God, both of them. The Teachers Program is a second initiation and gives you thousand fold more power then before to do the work and use light and energy. The Light comes from En - Sof and is distributed through the Central Sun through out the universe. It is the sustaining power of all living things and it indeed is all living things. This is the force that a light worker uses and it is imperative to have the proper initiation to work with it correctly, so that correct energy is created by our thoughts, words and actions. The Light sustains us humans as we are in this experience of physical life. It is the Life - Force that we find ourselves making a conscious choice about, either sustaining and increasing it within, or to see it wither away, making us become losers in the battle between light and darkness. This is an ever on - going battle and it is not one that we have a choice regarding. It is constantly going on all over the universe. Our choice is either to be a winner or loser in this battle and choose we must. The Teachers Program is designed to help you gain enough knowledge to start your own spiritual business or to enhance the one you already have. For those who have done this and trusted in the Universe and the Light, they have gained much from this service and indeed become very abundant, both spiritual and physical. The subjects covered in this part are many and helpful and have all proven to be great for those who want to make this into a full time job. The program is in two parts taught one per year. After you have successfully finished the first part you are welcome to come to the next one. The Teachers Program is always taught in August here in the US and in June or July in Japan. Come join the elite of spiritual light workers and become a part of the fastest growing spiritual unity in the world. Here Are The Subjects According To Parts : Teachers I Program Part One: One Week
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