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To Be Announced

Ogden, UT


Debba Boles

Guide and Ritual Master

Rocky Mountain Mystery School


This Adept Program is a preparation to the Initiation and brings down to the Adept certain energies that he/she can use in the work. The Adept is exactly that, an Adept, which means that he/she has excelled in an area in the Light Work or is Adept enough in holding energies so that he/she can do the work. The Adept Program is a unique way of becoming more involved with the Light Work conducted by the Hierarchy of Light. 

The Initiation that most or perhaps all Light Workers already have is one of Self Initiation. As we say to the universe that we want to serve, we become self-initiated. The Adept initiation is a physical initiation, and takes self-initiation a step further. Even Jesus Christ had to be physically initiated as he emerged into the waters of baptism with John the Baptist. Even as the Master of Light had to do this, so do we! 

The Adept Initiation will bring us to higher light and knowledge, so that we will have ten times more power to do the work. It will also bring us to full physical and spiritual abundance. After the initiation we are under the guiding wing of the Hierarchy of Light. 

The part of the Hierarchy of Light that we are being initiated into is the Great White Brother and Sisterhood of Light. This is the working group / force of the Hierarchy. Here we serve in one of the twelve counsels and with the Masters of Light and the Archangels. The master of this all is Jesus Christ. 

As an Adept you will receive the following benefits: 

1.     Ten times the power you had prior to initiation in order to do your light work in the world.

2.     Four new spirit guides to teach you and empower your path of spiritual evolution.

3.     Direct contact with the Hierarchy of Light.

4.     Four new symbols of Light within your aura.

5.     An "Aura Alignment" where your aura's magnetic grid gets realigned to the magnetic grid of the planet and the new energies.

6.     Divine protection.


(         Contact Debba Boles

(801) 389-7777

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